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Sunday 21 August 2011

Wellington Thugs Attack Editor & Family

The Editor for Awareness Times Newspaper, currently on leave, his mother Mrs. Kadiatu Kamara and his sister, Fatmata Fonti Kabia, came under brutal attacks in the morning hours of Saturday 20th August 2011 at Wellington by area thugs.

Editor Abdul Karim Fonti Kabia and her elder sister were escorting their sick mother to the hospital when the Philip Street (Station One) thugs descended on them with sticks, stones and bottles, and unleashed mayhem on them.

It all started when a playing boy materialized from nowhere and nearly got himself crushed by the Benz in which Fonti and his family were driving.

Fonti’s mother was attacked with insults when she climbed down the car and politely cautioned the area people to warn their children against playing in the streets to avoid accident.

In no time, the area thugs surrounded the vehicle and placed a big stone in front of one of the tires insisting that the vehicle was going no where, as according to them, the vehicle hit the boy.

“Well, if you are insisting that our vehicle hit the boy, let’s forget the argument and let us take the boy to the hospital in our car,” Fonti told the crowd of area boys, while informing them that his mother was seriously sick and cannot afford to stay long to reach the hospital.

The thugs insisted that nobody was going anywhere until police arrives.

It was at this juncture that Fonti attempted to remove the stone from the vehicle after making clear that the area boys have no right to impound the vehicle, especially so when the boy that was allegedly hit was standing upright with not a single abrasion, and due to the fact that his mother was in urgent need of medical attention.

Fonti’s attempt to remove the stone from the vehicle was rebuffed by four heavy muscled men who descended on him and started hitting him indescrimately with sticks and stones. His sister and sick mother also faced similar attacks.

Fonti later rushed to the Kissy Police Division to seek police intervention to restore law and order in the area that had been transferred to a gangster cartel.

All of the thugs disappeared into thin air by the time the police arrived at the scene. The matter is however being rigorously investigated.

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